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时间:2009-4-9 14:39:36 点击次数:4591

-------- Analysis on the Artistic Characteristics of Yang Peijiang’s Work
Zou Yuejin


    The artistic creation of Yang Peijiang and a place called Hui Cun village are inseparable. Because of this reason, to understand the art works of Yang Peijiang, first of all you need to understand the relationship between him as a human being or an artist and Hui Cun village. To Hui Cun village, may be for example, Yang Peijiang is an outcomer, a popular guest or an artist like a friend. And for Yang Peijiang, his relationship with Hui Cun village, there are two different interpretations: first is " the pleasure can be sensed but not expressed in words "; second is "I find a sense of belonging in the village ... ... a sense of fulness to create a living near nature." In my opinion, his first explanation on Hui Cun village is from his direct experience in it, while the second to explain the authenticity of the village is because it is a place can help Yang Peijiang to find out the exact location and direction on the road of society, life and art, so there is a direct safe and confident feeling when he exploring the art and his own life. Of course, to me, I only can imagine the interpretation of the village are concerned through the works of Yang Peijiang, the photos of Hui Cun village and the description from him, may be what the village itself is not of much concern, the most important is what the meaning of Hui Cun village in the works of Yang Peijiang of arts and culture is?


    From the works of Yang Peijiang, the configuration he described around the village has two kinds: one is he put himself in a relatively open area to paint a scene of the village or the compound the villagers living with a panoramic field of vision. In these works, artists use very bright colors to give us a sunny, clear and natural fresh aesthetic enjoyment. The representative works has "Tai Yang Zhao Zai Jin Bei Tang"(Sun at Jinbeitang), "Jin Se De Xia Pu Cun"(Golden Xiapu Village), "Xi Pu Cun" (Xipu Village ) and so on. The other works of artists do not have the characteristics of a broad zone, but intends to stay in a woods or a shelter behind the object, and then through the gap to describe a place of village or people’s activities. Of, these two types of creative works, Yang Peijiang are fully taking the sub-tropical climate, sun and geographical features into consideration and consider their conversion to the important role when they are in the image or in art language. However, because the different location the artist stay when he depicting the object, the manner and the vision will have very different effects, that is, at the first type of works, Hui Cun village are bathed in brilliant sunshine with bright colors, loud scenes and pulsatile strokes, like a cheerful Lyric to give the people a sense of empathy and it is not easy to forget; In the second category of works, the artist through the dense woods of this particular perspective to put up the different long-range vision and close-range vision, a large number of trees and houses, scattered dark and light and the active people and environment in the composition of the picture, all are mixed together in an orderly manner. In color, Yang Peijiang take the exact opposite method from the first one type, that is, use many black color with bright scattered around for a strong contrast to the formation of bizarre, mottled flashing visual effects, giving both the quiet and cordial, also both the mysterious and strange feeling. Representative of these works are "Shan Na Bian" (over the mountain), "Shan Qing"(mountain love), "Mu Gui" (sunset return), "Zhen Zhen Cui Yan" (fitful smoke from chimney) and so on.


    If it is said that in the first category of works, the artist is benefits from the outsaid to the inside of the village to have the aesthetic experience, then in the second category of works, Yang Peijiang is not only the survival to experience the city but also with Hui Cun village’s identity, benefits on the basis of a certain deep involvement in the daily life as a villagers to express the knowledge and understanding on Hui Cun village and villagers. In my opinion. It is not only involved in but also look on, dual standpoint of Yang Peijiang, dual countryside and urban vision, blend vision of current and history, he created a second type of work with the magical reality of the characteristics .


    Logically speaking, as an artist, what Hui Cun village means to Yang Peijiang? What the feeling he have to the village? Almost all of these questions are in the field that our understanding can not  achieve, but we get the means which work from his show ---- ---- magical reality ---- ---- to realize the art of the most basic way. First of all, Yang Peijiang take Hui Cun village as the antithesis of the city to recognize and feel. In fact, features of contemporary urban life, and the order of measurement of features been described by the artists as the survival of wild space, the wilderness overgrown with weeds, the dense forests, the dark clouds, the mysterious sky, as well as the unscrupulous activities of villagers and children’s play and love, then to get the strange, absurd root causes of warmth. Second, the magical village-like sense of reality is also because a set of statements full of the special vocabulary from the artist. That is to say, the artist do not departure from the true vision to show a specific village on the canvas, but from his own feeling to express the implication of the humanities that the vision cann’t arrive to. To this end, regardless of what the performance of materials and media to describe the village, it adopt the complex, mixed, and rich language and bold art techniques, airtight layout without the center's organizational structure, such, the ancient village in a period of modernization, especially their sense of reality like magic, naturally been presented in the front of the audience. Of course, here in particular needs to be pointed out is that the main characters in the works been described by Yang Peijiang is with amazing facial expressions and exaggerated human body structure and motion, clumsy, boorish, impudent, interesting and unusual living, he benefits from all of them to express the magical village.


    When I wrote here, I suddenly thought what I described the understanding and interpretation of the village maybe has been away from the village which the artists can feel “the sense of belonging” and " the sense of fullness which near the nature of living." However, in my opinion, I should like Yang Peijiang who is faithful to the feeling of the life to be faithful to the feeling of the arts. Because in my opinion, it is this type of magical works of art, established him the independent position in the art history of China to show the local society by art vision. The reason I say is because since the reform and opening at the local art, the latter works of figure artist Luo Zhongli, the local expressionism of artist Duan Zhengqu and landscape painter Chen Ping are ahead of Yang Peijiang, from different aspects and in different languages revealed the process of modern society, or the rapid development of modern cities in the local Chinese community with the magical means. And the art significance of Yang Peijiang is taking Hui Cun village in Shantou as the subject, using an accurate language which full of visual art personality to describe the art history of native Chinese society with the magical means, adding a new page.

2009/3/28 at Wangjing Garden in Beijing

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